Engineering the perfect overdrive… again! (And this time we brought a friend.)
There is something special about a Keeley Modded Blues Driver. There’s something even more remarkable about Andy Timmons’ tone. Since his exposure to this Keeley modded stompbox early on, it has been virtually glued to Andy’s board. Coincidence? We think not. So, what happens when Andy and Robert use the familiarity of the Super Phat Mod platform to dethrone a classic? Enter the Super AT Mod Overdrive.
Andy Timmons and his beautiful guitar playing have been known to bring people to tears, literally! After working with Andy for a couple of years we decided to focus his ears on the Keeley Super Phat Mod. There are two significant modifications to the tone of the Super AT Mod Overdrive that will be very apparent to players. The new Timmons mod accentuates both the tone control and the gain creation – making this circuit truly sound and respond like a tube amplifier in a stompbox.
New Tone Switch
There is a new circuit design for the Tone Switch in the Super AT Mod Overdrive. The AT-mode is voiced for humbuckers. The new AT-mode features lower mid-bass frequencies so your humbuckers sound tighter and more transparent. Like Andy says, “I just wanna play melodies all day”; the Super AT Mod Overdrive inspires you to play guitar!
If you have single coils and want a little more power behind your sound, the original Keeley PHAT-mode is still available with the Tone Switch flipped to the right.

The Super AT Mod Full Range Overdrive – Andy Timmons inspired mod.
Asymmetrical Tube Clipping
The most dramatic change to the distortion characteristics of the pedal is with the clipping diodes. The new Super AT Mod Overdrive features a return to the RK’s original clipping style, a 20 year old modification first performed in the Keeley Blues Driver Phat Mod. For this AT edition we create asymmetrical clipping by using a combination of regular diodes and LEDs. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) clip or distort the signal at a higher voltage than do regular diodes. Asymmetry enhances the tone by giving your ears something a bit more interesting than a basic square wave to listen to. Tube biasing, output transformers, and the balance in a push-pull output section, can cause natural asymmetrical clipping. The Super AT Mod Overdrive pedal exhibits the characteristics of a pushed tube amp. Andy’s chord work and harmonies are cleaner and tighter now, without reducing any gain.

The Super AT Mod can find its place on any pedalboard – Andy uses two!
Super Amp Tone In A Box
If you want an drive pedal that responds just like a tube amp, the Super AT Mod is for you. The topology of the pedal is similar to classic California tube amps, we simply use JFET transistors in place of tubes. Nothing has been left out, even the filtering of an amp’s tone stack is designed into the pedal. It’s an amp-in-a-box, only better because it’s Keeley developed with the guidance of Andy Timmons.

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3 – Las guitarras, bajos, pedales, amplificadores, accesorios y válvulas no se pueden devolver. Al pagar el artículo, el cliente reconoce que: (i) lo inspeccionó y lo encontró en óptimas condiciones estéticas sin defectos; y (ii) lo probó y funcionaba correctamente.
4 – Todas las reclamaciones por defectos están sujetas a los términos y condiciones del fabricante.
5 – Las guitarras, bajos, pedales y amplificadores tendrán una garantía de 30 días. La electrónica de las guitarras y bajos tendrá una garantía de 90 días. Guitars Boutique, a su exclusivo criterio, decidirá si repara, reemplaza partes o componentes (por otros idénticos) y/o reemplaza el artículo por uno idéntico.
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Todas las guitarras, bajos, pedales y amplificadores tendrán una garantía de 30 días. - La electrónica de guitarras y bajos tendrá una garantía extendida de 90 días.
- Proveedores, quienes generalmente se reservan el derecho de decidir si reparan, reemplazan piezas o componentes (por otros idénticos) y/o sustituyen el artículo por uno idéntico, a su entera discreción.
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